Monday, September 12, 2011

Yesterday ..

.. directly after posting here, for the first time, I was talking to my sister. She mentioned that her only real pleasure in her life is decent food, so it would suck to give it up.
  I said decent food doesn't have to be given up, only indecent food. She said "Okay, indecent food is the only pleasure in my life."
 This highlights a point I was trying to make in the first posting. One can have rich tasting, spicy, wonderful, enjoyable, natural and decent food, that is as good for you as it is tasty. It doesn't have to be bland, to be healthy. And, one can do something like, have a slice of really enjoyable pizza with a big salad made with a very tasty, healthy dressing so that the slightly less decent (due to fat and processed meats) food becomes part of the experience, instead of the whole focus of the meal. Though, really, if you ate a slice or two of pizza that included a lot of vegetables, and, you only did it every now and again, would it be so bad?
  It would for me, because of the cheese and, to a lesser extent, because of the yeast in the dough. So, I have to be very careful about mostly avoiding pizza. Yes, I know, I could eat it without cheese. I tried that. They do not fill up the pizza crust, and, what you get ends up looking, and tasting, like something someone threw out in favor of something with flavor.
 However, yesterday, under the bad influence of my children (who are not overweight), and due to being tired, having to be at home, etc, I ended up having an Arizona tea (too much sugar), and three candy bars. So, I am not judging anyone on the indecent food intake, thinking I am better than you. Believe it!
  I'm talking about learning to do something better. It had been my goal to go to the grocery store and get fruit and vegetables, instead; but, I was tired, distracted, and, it did not happen. I should have insisted on being left alone, so I could nap, but, I didn't.
 I will not cry shame on me and punish myself for it, though. I am acknowledging that I made mistakes, noticing them, considering them and setting it in my mind to do better today. Which, so far, I have.

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